Welcome to Freedom Friday!

Okay Y'all!

Welcome to Freedom Friday!

We are learning how to trade life-draining obligations into an invitation to find more freedom, purpose, and joy!

And to make it even more fun. . .

This is my first attempt at vlogging.

That is a video blog. Or in my case, my hubby taking a video while my daughter and my niece are behind him trying to make me laugh!

First of all, WELCOME if you are coming from the Susie Larson Online Your Sacred Yes Book Study emails!

Haven't those videos been so good?!

And if you are a regular reader or subscriber who is thinking..."What?! A blog post!" you must run, not walk, to sign up for this amazing online study!

Just click right here:


I will wait...............

Okay, now also, if you have not bought the book yet, you will have to quick pop over to Barnes and Noble to buy the book.


Keith Raimondi